I'm trying to write our new updated biography, with a view to getting some tasty gigs and sexy airplay in the new year, and I realised that we have some rather nice press quotes which I hadn't put up here. So now I will.
Bands that spring a tasty surprise make me want to hunt them down and smother them to death with hugs, such is the prevalence of charmless, bland bands. So, usher in quietly Today’s New Band, Ten Tigers from Southend, whose songs veer from spazzy-punk to contemplative-campfire singing, and don’t give a monkey’s what you think.
'Truley fantastic!' - Suck My Left One Radio
"The effect this performance has had on the Southend public appears akin to some sort of fever that's spreading rapidly and causing people to break into epic speeches....You need to see this band and catch the fever too!!"
- Noisyzine! ..
"They're sweet musical niavety with reckless abandonment" - Richard Thompson (not that one)
"Overall, not the best band in the world, but at least they're making the effort!" - Level 4 magazine blog here
We were Band Of The Day! Look here
"I've been told to ask you to stop now. That's not the kind of music we were looking for." Costa Coffee, Colchester.
"Not everyone was gay in 82" - Tom Robinson
'82 Works as social commentary as much as it does retro new-wave. Flying Lizards -meet- The Waitresses with nice better guitar riffs.' - Metro Underground internet radio
"I think they're great" - Indie Mp3
"They're such musos" - Eddie Curry, Pheonix FM.
The full A New Band a Day review is here, please google their site and support them though X:
>I like surprises. Well, to a point – those, “darling, I’m pregnant,” shocks don’t get easier even the 14th time around – but as a rule, happy accidents and unexpected pleasures are the best bits of life.

For example: their song Superlucky is a simple, crunchy, yelpy, sharply-female buzzfest that sounds like it’d be a great song to open a gig with. It’d set out the stall, to use football manager’s parlance, and everyone would know exactly what to expect. Except their other songs aren’t even like it at all, or even like each other. Possessing the shortest attention span in pop, song ’82has a verse that’s a bold attempt to rescue the Wah-Wah pedal from Blaxploitatio-clichés, before strolling into a lovely, heavy, yomping chorus of “Everyone was gay in 1982″. It goes without saying that Runaway andSunny Shades are altogether different again (a summertime lilt and the aforementioned campfire sunset sing-song respectively).
They’re hit-and-miss, but that’s a given – it seems an ingrained part of Ten Tigers’ nature. So what if you only like half of their songs? It’s better than having middling feelings towards a band that treads a carefully safe route. A sensation of swinging between love and hate makes you feel alive, dagnammit, so ponder their songs here!