
Friday, 11 February 2011


One of the songs which will be featuring on our album but we no longer play live is called 'Modern Living'.  It was written by CK and is about self sufficiency and respect for the environment, and we really like it but it never goes well live.  The lyrics are on our main website under 'discography and lyrics', and at the top of the Modern living page is a link to a special photo gallery featuring fruit, veg and flowers grown by people who tolerate our songs and want to show off their green fingers.  At the moment it's a bit sparse, but as spring is round the corner we would like to urge you all to plant something.  Gardening is great for the soul.  And when it fruits/blossoms/gets bigger email a picture of your plant to us and we'll include it in the gallery.  It's a great celebration of the simple joys of life.

CK doesn't really interract with the outside world that often but when he does it's fairly forthright.  Here is an example.

We all want to make a mark on the world. We don't necessarily want that mark to be 100,000 Bangladeshis dead and millions more displaced. So here is

CK's guide to making the world not quite as bad as it could otherwise be.

  1. Shower with a friend...

    ...and save water.
    If that friend is a bucket, then the water you collect can be used to water your lawn, or your vegetables.
  2. Recycle your food.

    Collect all your food scraps together, put them in your composter, and in a matter of months you'll have plenty of nutritious compost that you can use to make more food.
  3. Piss anywhere but in the toilet.

    The parts that take most energy to remove from sewage are the nitrates and the phosphates. The compunds that your garden most likes, and that you buy in with fertiliser, are nitrates and phosphates. This is without even considering how sensible it is to use litres and litres of water to move a few millilitres of urea around.
    If you instead collect this fertiliser and apply it to your lawn or trees you can save money and have a greener garden. It makes a good compost activator, too.
If you think of any more handy humanity-saving tips, feel free to pass them on to me.

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